Doctor of Philosophy, General Linguistics, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Thesis title: Being Friendly is Difficult: Psycholinguistic Experiments on Agentivity in Copular Constructions.
2013–2021, supervised by Prof. Dr. Claudia Maienborn, Prof. Dr. Oliver Bott, Prof. Dr. Gerhard Jäger
MA, General Linguistics, Universität Tübingen, Germany
Thesis title: Implicatures in Uncooperative Contexts [ PDF ].
2005–2013, Supervised by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sternefeld, Prof. Dr. Ingo Hertrich
Erasmus exchange program, NUI Maynooth, Ireland
Scientific skills
Eye-Tracking, data analysis, experimental design, offline and online experiments, psycholinguistics, semantics, pragmatics, data presentation, VR, event management, Agile, Scrum
Software skills
R, SPSS, Experiment Builder, Data Viewer, E-Prime, WebEx2, OnExp2, Ibex, LaTeX, Microsoft productivity software, Open Office, M-Turk, HTML, XML, Inkscape, GIMP, git, shiny
Language skills
- Polish native language
- English full professional proficiency
- German full professional proficiency
- Spanish elementary proficiency
Post-doctoral Researcher
2022–present, Institut für Linguistik, Abteilung Linguistik/Anglistik, Universität Stuttgart
Psycholinguistic research on the roots
of agentivity, semantics-pragmatics interface, eye-tracking research comparison, lab management, data analysis, experimental design
Doctoral Candidate and Researcher
2014–2022, Sonderforschungsbereich 833, project A1, Deutsches Seminar, Universität Tübingen
Empirical research into the mechanisms of meaning adaptation, conference organization (including the 2016 DGfS Summer School), supervision of student assistants, technical support with eye-tracking, R, LaTeX, data analysis, experimental design and participant recruitment. During my time in the project I conducted 15 different experiments, from offline questionnaire studies, in-lab eye-tracking, to online self-paced reading studies.
2012–2013, Research project: "The structure and processing of explanatory discourse in German and Norwegian: a psycholinguistic investigation into discourse theory," Universität Tübingen, NTNU Trondheim, University of Alberta
Research into implicit causality. Planning, execution, analysis & evaluation of eye-tracking and continuation experiments at Tübingen University & NTNU Trondheim. Organization of the 2013 Discourse Expectations: Theoretical, Experimental, and Computational Perspectives workshop.
Research Assistant
2013–2014, Deutsches Seminar, Universität Tübingen
Design, execution, analysis and evaluation of online and offline experiments (e.g. self paced reading and acceptability judgment studies).
2012, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics (Human Perception, Cognition and Action), Tübingen
Execution, analysis and evaluation of experiments in a virtual-reality setting. Data preparation, transcription and annotation.
2010–2014, Sonderforschungsbereich 833, project B1, Universität Tübingen
Organization & management of an eye-tracking lab, programming carrying out, and analysis of experiments (visual word eye-tracking, reading-time, picture verification, continuation, forced-choice, acceptability judgment). Organization of conferences and workshops (3rd Workshop on Semantic Processing, Logic and Cognition, Linguistic Evidence 2012).
Tutor/Teaching Assistant
2009–2014, Deutsches Seminar, Englisches Seminar and Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen
Various courses, including Experimentelle Methodik, Introduction to Old English, Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology.
- Providing tutorial and academic support services for university students.
- Developing and track tutorial sessions and creating training materials.
- Assisting in term paper grading.
Student Assistant
2009, Modern Irish Department, NUI Maynooth
Academic support, digitizing and archiving of books.
Volunteer Work
Student Advisor
2006–2010, Fachschaft Sprachwissenschaft, Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen
Providing prospective and current students with information about their course of studies. Promoting the Department of Linguistics at Open Day. Communicating with academic staff on behalf of the students.
Organizing the student conference TaCoS 2007 in Tübingen, as well as other occasional get-togethers and celebrations.
Treasurer, Project Manager, Assistant Managing Editor
2006–2017, Stowarzyszenie W Cieniu Lipy Czarnoleskiej, Wrocław, Poland
Editorial work, typesetting, event organization, book keeping, website maintenance.
Professional Development
- Event Semantics talk
- Jobhunting the German Way workshop
- How to Prepare for an Academic Job Interview workshop
- How to Write an Academic Cover Letter and CV workshop
- Negotiating, Your Salary and Beyond - Be More Successful in Your 200 Daily Negotiations workshop
- Auf der Zielgeraden zur Defensio und Disputatio workshop
- ABC der Antragstellung workshop
- Empowerment-Tag 2020: Digital Empowerment workshop
- Introduction to Python course
- SMLP summer school
- DoKo summer school
- Linguistic Evidence (poster presentation)
- AMLaP (poster presentation)
- Ambiguity as (Information) Gaps: Processes of Creation and Resolution (poster presentation)
- TeaP (talk)
- PTJK (talk)
- Statistik mit R
- Introduction to C++
- Data Scientist with R on DataCamp
- SMLP summer school
- Erfolgreich Drittmittel einwerben workshop
- Miteinander reden, bevor es kracht! – Konflikte im Unialltag besser meistern workshop
- Introduction to Bayesian Modeling using Stan workshop
- Ich krieg‘ (nicht) die Krise! – Promotionskrisen vorbeugen und souverän bewältigen workshop
- Ziele richtig setzen und erreichen – Nie wieder aufschieben! workshop
- DGfS summer school
- AMLaP (poster presentation)
- Publishing Research Articles in the Natural & Life Sciences course
- Fundraising für junge Wissenschaftlerinnen workshop
- Applying for Research Grants course
- Convincing Scientific Presentations course
- First aid course
- CUNY 2015 conference (poster presentation)
- ESSLLI summer school
- From sentence to text and back again - Approaches to text-type-specific sentence interpretation workshop
- Advanced Methods in Visual Methods for Linguistics workshop
- Linguistic versus Non-Linguistic Knowledge workshop